Sometimes to look good is not a choice but a necessity. At Hair Solutions, we recognize that hair loss may be part of an unexpected occurrence; in those situations, we stand with you ready to help you feel good and look good.
At Hair Solutions, we provide an assortment of attractive 100% human and synthetic wigs as well as other solutions for women. In addition, we offer supplement panels, customized clipped in hair falls and cranial prosthetics. The preference and choice is up to you, the client. All of our services are done with pride by our specially trained expert technicians.
Supplement Panels
Supplement Panels can be used both cosmetically and for filling in balding areas. We have clients that use supplement panels as a result of hormonal hair loss, Alopecia Areata, and thyroid conditions, but we also have many clients who simply want to add length and fullness to their hair. Our panels are comprised of 100% human hair and we are able to use them in almost any texture of hair, including wavy and curly hair. Once they are inserted into the client’s hair, the adhesives become completely unnoticeable. By adding supplement panels, we can give clients up to six extra inches of hair, along with thickness and fullness that can only be achieved through this process. Unlike extensions, our supplement panels are inserted into the hair without breaking or damaging the follicles in any way.
There is so much to see and learn about Hair Solutions – call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation
and your free confidential, discreet hair and scalp analysis.
Call us for a free consultation and a full hair analysis from one of our specially trained hair loss experts.